Buenos Aires
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Buenos Aires, the Argentine capital and city. Buenos Aires is one of the most important ports and populous cities in Latin America, as well as the regional center of trade, business, politics, culture, and technology.
The Argentine poet and philosopher Ezequiel Martínez Estrada (1895–1964) named Buenos Aires "The Head of Goliath," a metaphor that contrasts the disparity of the relationship between the city.
This grandiose city with its broad avenues and a lively cosmopolitan feel is more typically European in character than Latin American.
It is a tradition rooted in the colonial period when a general store and bar known as a pulpería was the nucleus of each neighborhood. To people living in an urban sprawl that developed twice as quickly as the nation by the early 21st century, these communities offer a sense of community.
This is located at the point where the delta of the Paraná River is widening to become the estuary of the Río de la Plata.
The Río de la Plata defines the eastern and northern boundaries of the metropolitan area, and the most prominent physical features of the region are the numerous small rivers that pass through its outskirts.
The center of town sits on a hill overlooking the Río de la Plata, and a small river, the Riachuelo, flows to the south, whose banks mark the other higher ground in town.
More than one-fourth of the metropolitan area's population is in the Federal District, a proportion that shrinks as the suburbs begin to absorb business and suburban neighborhoods.
The borders of the Federal District are defined by the Riachuelo River and General Paz Avenue which was opened after almost a decade of development in 1941. The town is divided into parts that mostly correspond with typical (neighborhood) barrios.
The center of the city is built on the original colonial base. This has narrow streets laid out to form a grid pattern at right angles. The rectilinear pattern persists for more than 20 square blocks, a region that, until the late 19th century, characterized the city's limits. The expansion has been less organized since, and street patterns are less common.
Many of the city center's cinemas and live theaters are clustered within a four- or five-block stretch of Avenida Corrientes and Calle Lavalle, streets perpendicular to Avenida 9 de Julio. Calle Lavalle, a footpath, intersects with Calle Florida, a pedestrian mall lined with trendy boutiques.
National parks in Argentina have a variety of plants and animals. If you're a sophisticated tourist, choose Buenos Aires city for its excellent facilities, nightlife, fashion and shopping, as well as top tourist attractions.
Lake Nahuel Huapi is a sight to behold in the provinces Neuquen and the Rio Negro. Surrounded by a National Park, it offers photography and fun tours of scenic views.
Without visiting the spectacular Iguazu falls you cannot visit the amazing country. You'll consider nature walks, birds, marine life, plants, and plant varieties from the list of attractions. Which makes Argentina a perfect place to walk and sightsee.
Renting a car can be very subjective. There is the best car to choose from for every occasion. Limited, cheap or exclusive vehicles; an auto of your choice will always be available.
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See our main car rental locations in Buenos Aires.
In the month February, The average car rental length in Buenos Aires was 14 days.
The average car rental duration in 2025 is 7 days.
Currently the most booked car rental in Buenos Aires is ECONOMY.
The average car rental price was last month 158 USD.
The average rental price last month was 12 USD per day.
The available car rental companies in Buenos Aires are: Alamo, National, Enterprise, Green Motion, carnect, Localiza, etc…